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Séminaire : Bayesian Fusion of Multiple Images - Beyond Pansharpening

23 giugno 2016
Illkirch - Pôle API - A301

Jean-Yves TOURNERET (IRIT) fera une présentation de ses travaux de recherche le jeudi 23 juin 2016 à 14h30 dans l'amphithéâtre A301 du Pôle API à Illkirch.

Titre : Bayesian Fusion of Multiple Images - Beyond Pansharpening

Équipe : MIV

Résumé : This presentation will discuss new methods for fusing high spectral resolution images (such as hyperspectral images) and high spatial resolution images (such as panchromatic images) in order to provide images with improved spectral and spatial resolutions. These methods are based on Bayesian estimators exploiting prior information about the target image to be recovered, constructed by interpolation or by using dictionary learning techniques. Different implementations based on MCMC methods, optimization strategies or on the resolution of Sylvester equations will be explored.

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