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HDR: Sustainable Urban Ecological Infrastructures: Multi-Functionality and Long-Term Dynamics for Water Management

9 novembre 2020
En visioconférence

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches : Paul BOIS

Titre : Sustainable Urban Ecological Infrastructures: Multi-Functionality and Long-Term Dynamics for Water Management

Équipe : MécaFlu

Abstract: Environmental issues in urban areas are numerous and complex. Among them, handling the volume and quality of storm- and wastewater to avoid disturbances can be achieved with a gradient of approaches. Urban ecological infrastructures host a comprehensive set of ecological functions that can provide ecosystem services to alleviate these disturbances for Human and other species. These social-ecological systems, complex by essence, integrate biophysical and social templates under external constraints. Their associated time dynamics range from minutes to decades, and call for appropriate study time scale. Research questions about interactions between ecological functions, trade-offs between ecosystem services, long- term dynamics affecting both functions and services, and stakeholders evolution impact on their functioning seem relevant to help cities reach sustainable trajectories. In this process of building knowledge and applications, researchers work in a whole ecosystem, significantly structured by young researchers. Getting aware of one’s own vision of supervision, of its numerous values and stances is a first step to guiding them to reach their full potential and bring the most to science - and eventually to Society, and Nature.

Keywords: social-ecosystem, ecological functions, ecosystem services, nature-based solutions, ecological engineering, stormwater, wastewater, cities

Le jury est composé de Ellen BANZHAF, Senior Scientist, UFZ (main reviewer), Daniel L. CHILDERS, Professor, ASU (reviewer), Nicolas FLIPO, Professor, Mines ParisTech (reviewer), Thomas HEIN, Professor, BOKU (main reviewer), Christelle LISON, Professor, Université de Sherbrooke (main reviewer), Adrien WANKO NGNIEN, Professor, ENGEES (guarantor), Christiane WEBER, Senior Scientist, CNRS (reviewer).

La soutenance aura lieu le lundi 9 novembre 2020 à 14h en visioconférence.

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