The next Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute (IRMIA++) seminar will take place this Thursday, February 27th at 9am, in the IRMA conference room, on: Random fields for the analysis and the procedural generation of textures
by Basile SAUVAGE (ICube)
Abstract: In computer graphics, textures are images that encode the behavior of light at the surface of 3D objects. They are essential for calculating images through simulation of light interactions in virtual scenes.
This talk will start with a background in computer graphics: the challenges of analyzing, generating and rendering procedural textures.
We will show the interest of modeling textures by random fields, in particular stationary and ergodic Gaussian fields.
In a second part, we will show, on different problems, how these models enable to build efficient generation algorithms.
In the third part, we present a number of still unsolved problems.
About the speaker: Basile Sauvage is a professor of Computer Science at the University of Strasbourg since 2023. Before that, he was assistant professor at the University of Strasbourg. He works in the ICube lab. and his research interests include procedural generation of textures, rendering and geometry processing.
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