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Séminaire de Giannis Spyropoulos

23 febbraio 2016
Strasbourg - 4 rue Boussingault (ICube) - salle des séminaires

Giannis SPYROPOULOS présentera les recherches développées au CETRI, à Lemassson (Chypre), dans le cadre du projet Europeen Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Rise “SmartHelmet”, le 23 février à 10h00 dans la salle des séminaires d'ICube située 4 rue Boussingault à Strasbourg.

Les themes abordés seront:

  1. Biomechanics : Gait & motion analysis , heat transfer, biomaterials
  2. Health risks related to severe heat stress
  3. Climat change : Weather forecast

Bio : Giannis Spyropoulos has a degree in sports and exercise science from University of Thessaly. With a Master degree from the same University, he is about to finish his PhD in Biomechanics field. He has substantial experience in the proposal preparation and implementation of several research projects. He is working as Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) of CETRI Ltd since 2010 and acts, since 2014, as Financial Manager and Project Manager in 2 FP7, 2 MC H2020 and 1 RIA collaborative H2020 projects.

CETRI : Centre for Technology Research & Innovation is a private Research & Innovation SME that currently ranks among the first 3 in EU Research participation in Cyprus. Its mission is to optimally address both European & global market challenges through cutting-edge Research & Innovation activities, beyond state-of-the-art tech solutions and advice, having real impact on society.

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