The last seminar of the new ICube-MSII cycle will take place on Wednesday Mai 30 at 10am in amphitheater A301 on the ICube site in Illkirch (300 boulevard Sebastien 67400 Illkirch).
The speaker is Nicolas DOBIGEON, Professor at Toulouse INP and AI Research Chair at ANITI.
Title: Multi-band optical imaging - From fusion to change detection
Abstract: Fusing two multi-band images of complementary spatial and spectral resolutions acquired at the same time instant aims at recovering an image of high spatial and high spectral resolutions. In a first part of this talk, we will formulate this task as an inverse problem which turns out to admit a closed-form solution under some generic assumptions. Then in the second part of this talk, we will address the problem of detecting changes between multi-band images of different resolutions acquired at different time instants. We will show that this challenging task can be generically and efficiently tackled from a fusion perspective.
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