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Thesis: SINUS-IT : an evolutionary approach to harmonic analysis

2 settembre 2021
Strasbourg - CRBS - "Salle de réunion équipe CSTB"

PhD defense: Ulviyya ABDULKARIMOVA

Title: SINUS-IT : an evolutionary approach to harmonic analysis

Team: CSTB

Abstract: This PhD project is about harmonic analysis of signals coming from Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometer. The analysis of these signals is usually done using Fourier Transform (FT) method. However, there are several limitations of this method, one of which is not being able to find the phase parameter. Mass spectrometers are used to determine the chemical composition of compounds. It is known that if the phase component is known, it would yield an improvement in mass accuracy and mass resolving power which would help to determine the composition of a given compound more accurately. In this PhD work we use evolutionary algorithm to overcome the limitations of the FT method. We explore different sampling, speed optimization and algorithm improvement methods. We show that our proposed method outperforms the FT method as it uses short transients to resolve the peaks and it automatically yields phase values.

Members of the jury are as follows: 

  • Prof. COLLET Pierre (University of Strasbourg) - Thesis Director
  • Dr. Christian ROLANDO (University of Lille) - Thesis Director
  • Dr. Helene LAVANANT (University of Rouen) - Reviewer
  • Dr. Pierrick LEGRAND (University of Bordeaux) - Reviewer
  • Prof. Rodrigo ABARCA-DEL-RIO (University of Concepcion, Chile) - Examiner
  • Prof. Lhassane IDOUMGHAR (University of Mulhouse) - Examiner
  • Dr. Rabih AMHAZ (ECAM) - Tutor
  • Dr. Younes MONJID- Tuto

The defence will take place on September 2nd at 2.00pm French time in virtual room and in real room "Salle de réunion équipe CSTB, CRBS, 1 rue Eugène Boeckel, 67000 Strasbourg".

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