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Séminaire : Continuous and discrete optimization methods on arbitrary graphs. Applications to inverse problems in imaging

10 giugno 2013
Télécom Physique Strasbourg - Salle C218

Hugues TALBOT de l'ESIEE, fera une présentation de ses travaux le lundi 10 juin à 10h en salle C218 à l'École Télécom Physique Strasbourg.

Title : Continuous and discrete optimization methods on arbitrary graphs.  Applications to inverse problems in imaging

Abstract : In the last decade, we have witnessed much progress in convex and combinatorial optimization methods. They now have become fast enough and flexible enough to be applied to many practical imaging problems. Novel frameworks have emerged as a result, such as compressive sensing for instance. The tools to perform the modeling and the optimization have also become more flexible. In this talk, I will present recent work in this area, allowing the use of recent continuous variational methods on arbitrary graphs. Applications range from segmentation to mesh denoising via deblurring and denoising. I will also present some open problems.


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