PhD defense : Chao-Kun HUANG
Team : MecaFlu
Title : Turbulence and cavitation: applications in the NSMB and OpenFOAM solvers
Abstract : The objective of this thesis work concerns the study and implement of two cavitation models in the NSMB (Navier-Stokes-Multi-Blocks) flow solver: the Homogeneous Equilibrium Models (HEM) and a void ratio Transport-based Equation Model (TEM). The cavitation phenomenon is modeled by different liquid-vapor mixture equation of state (EOS). Numerical simulation are performed on some one- and two-dimensional compressible two-phase flows with interface conditions and compared with reference solutions. Moreover, The TEM based method for the void ratio including the source terms for vaporization and condensation in the free, open source software OpenFOAM is also presented on the Venturi geometry to capture the re-entrant jet phenomenon. The turbulence modeling plays a major role in the capture of unsteady behaviors and a limiter is introduced to reduce the eddy-viscosity to better predict the two-phase structure. A comparison of various cavitation models coupled with turbulence models are investigated. Computational results are compared with existing experimental data.
The jury is composed of Mr HOARAU Yannick, Professor and Thesis supervisor (University of Strasbourg), Mr CONCALVÈS DA SILVA Éric, Professor and Thesis co-supervisor (ISAE-ENSMA - Institut P'), Mrs DJERIDI Henda, Professor and Reviewer (Grenoble INP - ENSE3), Mr BILLARD Jean-Yves, Professor and Reviewer, (École Navale de Brest), Mr RIGHI Marcello, Professor and Examiner (ZHAW School of Engineering, Swiss).
The presentation will be held in English on Friday, November 24th, at 10:45 a.m. in the seminar room on the 2nd floor of the 4, rue Boussingault.
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