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Séminaire : Stochastic models for texture geometry: application to texture recognition and super-resolution

6 marzo 2013
Télécom Physique Strasbourg - Salle C218

Ronan FABLET de Télécom Bretagne fera une présentation de ses travaux le mercredi 6 mars à 14h30 en salle C218 à l'École Télécom Physique Strasbourg.

Title : Stochastic models for texture geometry: application to texture recognition and super-resolution

Abstract : In this talk, we will address the characterization and modelling of the geometric structures of visual textures. Two classes of models will be investigated: random point processes for texture recognition from local signature collections, and stochastic differential equations for geometry-driven texture super-resolution. Through applications to ocean sensing data, we will illustrate the relevance of these models and discuss future research directions.

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