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Ecole Thématique - Image Mining 2013

26 agosto 201330 agosto 2013
Centre SEOLANE - Ubaye valley - Barcelonnette (France)

An International Thematic School co-sponsored by CNRS, CNES (French Space Agency), the FORMOSE Training Programme of Council of Europe and the University of Strasbourg is organized on : Image mining and information extraction from multi-source data: theory and application in geosciences.

The course will be held in the South French Alps (Ubaye valley, Barcelonnette) on 26-30 august 2013. It is designed for post-graduate (MSc, PhD, post-doc) students and researchers interested in topics of image processing, data mining, information technology and the measurement of the deformation of earth surface processes.

The course combines theory and practical exercises, and includes some fieldtrips.
The teaching team is international and across several disciplines.

The deadline for registration is 20 June 2013.

Pierre GANCARSKI and Cedric WEMMERT (BFO- ICube) are members of the organisation committee.

For more information on this topic, please visit http://omiv2.u-strasbg.fr/imagemining/
You can also download the course flyer here : http://omiv2.u-strasbg.fr/imagemining/imagemining.pdf

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