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Séminaire : Anatomical modeling of the musculoskeletal system based on template registration.

7 giugno 2013
Illkirch - A508 (Salle du conseil)

Benjamin GILLES, CR2 du CNRS à LIRMM, travaille sur les modèles déformables pour l'analyse d'image médicale et simulation mécanique. Il fera une présentation de ses travaux le vendredi 7 juin à 15h en A508 (salle du conseil, Pole API).

Title : Anatomical modeling of the musculoskeletal system based on template registration.

Abstract : Creating and animating subject-specific anatomical models is traditionally a difficult process involving medical image segmentation, geometric corrections and the manual definition of kinematic parameters. To address these issues, we introduce a novel template morphing algorithm that facilitates three-dimensional modelling and parameterization of skeletons. Target data can be either medical images or surfaces of the whole skeleton. We incorporate prior knowledge about bone shape, the feasible skeleton pose and the morphological variability in the population. This allows for noise reduction, bone separation and the transfer, from the template, of anatomical and kinematical information not present in the input data.

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