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Workshop IHU/ICube : Save the date "Preliminary program"

Le 8 avril 2022
De 13h30 à 17h00

Le workshop IHU/ICube Preliminary program se tiendra de 13h30 à 17h00 le 8 avril 2022 à l’IHU en salle Hygie (RDC).

Un lien vous sera transmis prochainement pour vous inscrire à cette demi-journée.


Please find enclosed a preliminary program of the IHU/ICube workshop which will take place on April 8th in Hygie conference room (ground floor) at IHU.

We will shortly send you a link which will allow you to register for this half-day event.


Programme prévisionnel

13h30 : Introduction IHU/ICube (B.Gallix/ Mathelin/ICube)

14h00 : Presentation of CAMMA (Computational Analysis and Modeling of MedicalActivities) team (N.Padoy/IHU-ICube)

14h05 : Clinical research @IHU, procedures (A. Takeda/IHU)

14h25 : Presentation of IPP (Photonics Instrumentation and Processes) team (A.Nahas/ ICube)

14h45 : Presentation of SDC (Data Science and Knowledge) team (C.Wemmert/ ICube)

15h00 : Coffee break

15H25 : Presentation of IMAGeS (IMages, leArning, Geometry and Statistics) team (B.Naegel/ ICube)

15h45 : Presentation of the chair of artificial intelligence and data science. (T. Lampert/ICube)

16h00 : Presentation of research in the departement of interventional imaging at NHC Strasbourg hospital (A.Gangi/ ICube)

16h30 : Presentation of MMB (Multi-scale Materials and Biomechanics) team (N.Bahlouli/ ICube)

16h50 : Visit of IHU

17:05 : Cocktail reception (if applicable)

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