Thèse Luca Baratelli
Title : Quantitative Multi-modal Optical Imaging for Surgery
Date : 6 April 2022 16h30 Amphithéatre Leon Hirch (IRCAD Strasbourg (1 place de l'Hopital)
Abstract : The lacke of quantitative information during surgical guidance is still nowadays a major unmet need. The aim of this thesis project is to develop innovative, real-time multi-modal optical imaging techniques for open and minimally invasive surgical guidance, by providing quantitative information on fundamental physiological parameters of a certain tissue, such as oxygen saturation. This work is largely built on Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging (SFDI) and Single Snapshot Imaging of Optical Properties (SSOP). An endoscopic imaging system based on SSOP was implemented and validated on tissue mimicking phantoms and then further developed into handheld version adapted for pre-clinical trials. A multi-modal referencing platform was also developed for the spectroscopic characterization of diffusive media. The instrument combines SFDI and time-resolved Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy (TDOS) for the impletation of a cross-reference approach in the quantification of tissue optical properties.
Keywords : Diffuse optical imaging, spatial frequency domain imaging, deep learning, time domain, spectroscopy, endoscopic imaging, image-guided, surgery, depp learing
Auteurs : L. Baratelli (Icube Laboratory-équipe IPP)
Jury :
Date/Time/Place : Wednesday, 06/04/2022 à 16 pm, Amphitheater Leon Hirsch, IRCAD Strasbourg ( 1 Place de l'Hopital).
Modality : Hybrid - Zoom Link : Baratelli_Defense_IRCAD
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