Computer Graphics International is one of the oldest and true international conference in Computer Graphics and one of the five most important ones worldwide. It is an essential yearly meeting where academics present their latest models and technologies, and explore new trends and ideas. In previous years, it had been held in many different places worldwide -UK, Germany, Australia, and many other nations in Europe, Asia, and America.
Computer Graphics International (CGI) 2015, the 32nd annual conference will take place on June 24-26, 2015 in Strasbourg, France. The city of Strasbourg is located in the center of Europe, at the crossroads of France, Germany and Switzerland. The conference will be organized by the Computer Graphics and Geometry Group of ICube Laboratory (CNRS/Université de Strasbourg).
Accepted full-length papers will be published in the Visual Computer journal. Authors of accepted short papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work to Visual Computer; these papers will follow a fast track review process.
Important dates :
For further information, visit the CGI'15 website :
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