An epidemic is defined as a rapidly evolving phenomenon in time and space. We are currently facing an epidemic situation that is unprecedented in the history of medicine. We are gradually discovering a new disease. Every day, we learn more about it, which allows us to constantly adapt to provide adequate responses. Knowledge of the parameters of the Covid-19 epidemic allows us to be better prepared to organise care accordingly.
In collaboration with the team of the Infectious Diseases Service of the University Hospitals of Strasbourg, the Public Health Service (GMRC, Pr Meyer) and the Laboratory of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics (Faculty of Medicine, Pr Sauleau) are contributing to the fight against the Covid-19 infection. Docteur Fabacher has produced an interactive map for global monitoring of the infection. All three belong to IMages, leArning, Geometry and Statistics team (IMAGeS) in the Laboratory ICube (CNRS, Université de Strasbourg, ENGEES, INSA Strasbourg).
The map is available at:
This tool is complementary to maps already published, such as the Johns Hopkins University map (Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE), from which it retrieves some data but gives, on a global scale, an evolutionary vision both chronologically and geographically and makes it possible to measure the extent and spread of the coronavirus phenomenon.
How does this map work ?
This map focuses on the evolution of the number of cases per country and for a given period, but in terms of incidence and prevalence. It is updated daily. The period of interest can be defined by the user and it is possible to choose (indicator):
The user can zoom in on the map with the "+" and "-" buttons or with the scroll wheel of his mouse and can animate the map with the small "play" button under the choice of dates. We have added mortality data, presented according to the same principle, as well as curves of temporal evolution (by clicking on the "show evolution" box at the bottom right), allowing to display the evolution of the indicators by choosing the countries by clicking. Finally a mobile version is available for smartphone with the button at the top right.
A version for France (with different indicators) has also been made. Link to this national map.
For any technical question, please contact Dr Fabacher.
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