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Séminaire : Morphology-based cerebrovascular atlas

April 3, 2013
Télécom Physique Strasbourg - Salle C218

Alice DUFOUR fera une présentation de ses travaux le mercredi 3 avril à 14h30 en salle C218 à l'École Télécom Physique Strasbourg. C'est dans le cadre d'ISBI 2013.

Title : Morphology-based cerebrovascular atlas

Abstract : Cerebrovascular atlases can be used to improve medical tasks requiring the analysis of 3D angiographic data. The generation of such atlases remains however a complex and infrequently considered issue. The existing approaches rely on information exclusively related to the vessels. We alternatively investigate a new way, consisting of using both vascular and morphological information (i.e., cerebral structures) to improve the accuracy and relevance of the obtained vascular atlases. Experiments emphasize improvements in the main steps of the atlas generation process impacted by the use of morphological information. An example of cerebrovascular atlas obtained from a dataset of 56 MRAs acquired from different acquisition devices is finally provided.

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