HDR : Majid Baniassadi
Team : MMB
Date & hours : 21 september 2023 at 10 a.m
Place : Manufacture des tabacs, room M13
Title: "Applied Micromechanics of Complex Microstructures"
Abstract: The main objectives of my research group focus on a variety of numerical codes and software packages to identify and reconstruct micro and nano-structures of materials. Several axes of research were investigated.
A software was developed to extract local information from SEM images, SAXS and SANS data
and developed a specific approach to approximate high-order correlation functions based on low-
order correlation functions. New statistical descriptors were proposed to characterize the
We also worked on percolation especially for nanocomposites. Our research focused on
electrical and elastic percolation. Although percolation is a very important scientific aspect of
materials behaviour, no researches were carried out, particularly for elastic percolation. Our
developments enabled to define the elastic percolation threshold for the first time.
Several novel approaches were proposed to homogenize effective properties and damage
evaluation of heterogeneous materials. The main focus of my research in the past ten years were
in Statistical approach (Strong Contrast Homogenization), Mean-Fields approach (Mori-Tanaka),
coupling Statistical Reconstruction and Finite Element, coupling Reconstruction and Molecular
Dynamics Simulation and Finite Element. We concentrated mainly on homogenization with
application to nano-structures, microstructures, biomaterials, and biological tissues.
Another aspect of my work was the inclusion of nano- and micro-sized particles that can be
integrated into polymers to enhance mechanical, thermal, electrical properties. Investigating the
mechanical and thermal properties of pristine, chemically doped, and functionalized carbon
allotropes, besides the interfacial mechanical properties between these nano-structures and
polymeric matrix, leads to better control the mechanical properties of these nanoparticles and
optimal efficiency in nanoscale devices and nanocomposites.
Lately, our research have focused on Shape Memory Polymers (SMPs). They can be
programmed to a shape by applying environmental stimuli like temperature change. Our research
focuses on filament preparation and printing methods of SMP structures. We use hydrogel as a
useful matrix for the fabrication of nanocomposite for possible drug delivery. Solicitations such
as ultrasound or magnetic field can be used as a trigger to control the properties of these classes
of nanocomposites. We used our materials science foundation to develop a new approach to
better design and manufacturing complex scaffold microstructures, for which the scaffold's
quality depends on its materials, design, and fabrication method. These biocompatible
composites and nanocomposites could be used for “tissue engineering” and become one of the
most important branches of medical science.
Overall, we developed better approaches to designing the microstructure of heterogeneous
materials and introduced new numerical techniques for optimal periodic and non-periodic
heterogeneous materials design
The jury will be composed of :
- Pr. Francesco Dell'Isola, Université de l'Aquila (Italie), Fellow Ambassadeur du CNRS
- Pr. Stéphane Bordas, Université de Luxembourg
- Pr. Sébastien Mercier, Université de Lorraine
- Pr. Saïd Ahzi, Université de Strasbourg
- Pr. Yves Rémond (émérite), Garant, Université de Strasbourg
- Pr. Daniel George, invité, Université de Strasbourg
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