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PhD: "Multicriteria, multi-phases, multi-decision makers aid for sustainable innovative strategies selection: Case of the olive supply chain"

September 22, 2023
INSA Strasbourg (Salle C3.10)

PhD defence : Mohamed Amir KESKES

Team: CSIP

Date & time :  Friday, September 22nd, at 09:00 AM at INSA , Strasbourg (Room C3.10)

Title : "Multicriteria, multi-phases, multi-decision makers aid for sustainable innovative strategies selection: Case of the olive supply chain"

Abstract : Decision-making in agriculture, especially for sustainability, is complex due to various conflicting factors, including environmental and social impacts versus economic profits. This thesis aims to assist decision-makers (DMs) in selecting sustainable agricultural practices, extraction methods, and waste recovery management to establish an innovative circular and sustainable product life cycle. To achieve this, we propose a novel multi-criteria framework for ranking different life cycle scenarios. Additionally, we address contradictions between productivity and sustainability by integrating multi-criteria methods with TRIZ. A case study on the olive oil life cycle in Sfax, Tunisia, demonstrates the applicability of these approaches. Sensitivity analysis highlights the impact of subjective parameter variations on the rankings, validating the effectiveness of our proposed methods for agricultural sustainability.

The jury will be composed of:

• Reporter  : Mr. Davy MONTICOLO (Professor, University of Lorraine, France)

• Reporter : Mr. Mohamed Ayman BOUJELBEN (Associate Professor, University of Sfax, Tunisia)

• Examiner : Mr. Jean RENAUD (Assistant Professor, University of Orléans, France )

• Supervisor : Mr. Rémy HOUSSIN (Professor, University of Strasbourg, France)

• Supervisor : Mrs. Diala DHOUIB (Professor, University of Sfax, Tunisia)

• co-Supervisor : Mr. Alaeddine ZOUARI  (Associate Professor, University of Sfax, Tunisia)

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