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PhD : "Versatile Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting System and Applications"

September 21, 2023
Amphithéâtre Grünewald - IPHC (Bâtiment 25) - Campus Cronenbourg

PhD defence : Wassim Khaddour

Team: EM3 (ex SMH)

Date & time :  September 21st at 3 pm in the Amphitheater Grünewald of the IPHC (Building 25) at the CNRS Cronenbourg campus

It will also be possible to attend the defense remotely using the following Zoom link:

ID de réunion : 615 5669 5505
Code secret : 088287

Title : "Versatile Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting System and Applications"

Abstract : In this thesis, we present a versatile TCSPC system on a low-cost SoC-FPGA platform that can measure periodic optical signals with high sensitivity, resolution and precision. we propose two TDC designs, an efficient data transfer design, and a bare metal C program that runs on an embedded processor. We also introduce a novel calibration method for asynchronous TDCs and a robust method for the detection of microfluidic droplets. The system performance was evaluated in terms of resolution, precision, accuracy and stability. The system was employed in four different applications in environmental, biological, and astronomical fields; water pollution sensor, turbidity measurement, microdroplet screening and sorting, and stray light characterization in spatial optics. The results showed that the system can achieve high-performance TCSPC measurements at low cost and high flexibility for various applications.

The jury will be composed of:


M. GINHAC Dominique:  Reporter  (Professor, University of Burgundy)

M. FERUGLIO Sylvain:  Reporter  (Lecturer HDR, Sorbonne Université)

Mme. DESGREYS Patricia: Examiner  (Professor, Telecom Paris)

M. GREFFITHS Andrew: Examiner  (Professor, ESPCI)

M. CLERMONT Lionel: Invited member (Research engineer, Centre Spatial de Liège)

M. MADEC Morgan: Thesis supervisor  (Lecturer HDR, University of Strasbourg)

M. UHRING Wilfried: Thesis co-supervisor  (Professor, University of Strasbourg)

M. DADOUCHE Foudil:  Advisor (Lecturer, University of Strasbourg)

M. DUMAS Norbert: Advisor (Lecturer, University of Strasbourg)

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