In the framework of RoSaCo project, Prof. Kwangyun Wohn from KAIST will give a seminar on the 14th of November (Monday) at 11am, at the "salle Hygie" on the ground floor of IHU building. The talk is entitled as "From Cave Paintings to Metaverse".
Abstract :
According to historian Yuval Harari, technological developments will inevitably lead to a social phenomenon in which the physical reality weakens while the fictitious reality becomes stronger. If this is the case, one day, the era of the metaverse in which the real world and the virtual world are difficult to distinguish, indistinguishable, and the distinction is meaningless will open. If the mixing of the real world and the virtual world is called the metaverse, it can be said that the attempt to create the metaverse has started with the beginning of mankind. The cave paintings, which are a few prehistoric relics/relics today, are probably the oldest traces of the metaverse, and Venus of Willendorf may also be regarded as the oldest 3D avatar. In this presentation, we will briefly introduce the development of the metaverse in the context of human history, will present a conceptual model of VR that is the most essential for realizing the metaverse, and will define the metaverse as a new (digital) medium, and discuss its feasibility.
Short CV of Prof. Kwangyun Wohn
BSc., Seoul National University, Applied Physics
Research Engineer, Agency of Defense Development, South Korea
MSc., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Computer Science
PhD, University of Maryland, Computer Science
post-doctoral researcher & lecturer, Harvard University, School of Applied Sciences
Assistant Prof., University of Pennsylvania, Department of Computer & Information Sciences
(Associate) Prof., KAIST, Department of Computer Science
Director of Graduate school of Culture Technology, KAIST
Director of NST (National Council for Science & Technology, South Korea)
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