Le 29 septembre prochain aura lieu la thèse de Valentin Riss un doctorant de l'équipe RDH.
La présentation se fera en français et débutera à 10h en amphi A301, dans les locaux de Télécom Physique Strasbourg. Son sujet de thèse s’intitule "Optimisation conjointe de l'aérodynamique et de la commande d'un projectile guidé en soufflerie"
Guided projectiles offer increased range and accuracy compared to classical artillery shells. Innovative projectiles concepts require control over a large range of angles of attack to perform range-extension maneuvers, but their control surfaces are affected by non-linear aerodynamic phenomena. In this thesis, the issue of maneuverability improvement of guided projectiles is tackled with a multidisciplinary optimization framework supported by a Hardware In the Loop (HIL) experimental setup. Attitude control of fin-stabilized projectiles has been demonstrated in wind tunnel and experimental data on projectile control in stall condition has been collected. A non-linear model of the projectile pitch dynamics has been integrated into the synthesis framework for rapid validation of controller design. Simultaneous optimization of the projectile aerodynamic stability and controller gains resulted in a threefold increase of the maximum angle of attack at which the projectile could be controlled. Experimental results confirm the performance of the optimal projectile design and the fidelity of the non-linear model. This new design methodology allows to significantly improve guided projectile maneuverability without affecting its aerodynamic performance or upsizing its control and actuation system.
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