Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Hennig (Scientific Director of the Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Chairman of the Magnetic Resonance Development and Application Center - University Medical Center Freiburg, Germany) / BRAIN LINKS BRAIN TOOLS (BLBT) Cluster of Excellence) will gave a talk, Wednesday 3rd of July at 11:15 in the 3 amphitheater of the Strasbourg faculty of dental surgery in Strasbourg.
Title: Technologies for Life: Future Perspectives for MRI
Bio: Prof. Jürgen Hennig is one of the pioneers of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. His contribution has been crucial to the development of this modality for diagnostic imaging. Under his leadership, the Freiburg MR research group has implemented new ideas and concepts for the use of MRI in a broad spectrum of applications. The measurement procedures they developed have since been implemented in all MRI devices worldwide, and are used for all MRI patient examinations. His lecture will cover the pre-clinical and clinical development and application field.
Prof. Hennig is former president of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ISMRM).
His awards include:
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