PhD defense: Elise LACHAT
Title: Relevé et consolidation de nuages de points issus de multiples capteurs pour la numérisation 3D du patrimoine
Team : TRIO
Abstract: Three dimensional digitization of built heritage is involved in a wide range of applications (documentation, visualization, conservation, etc.), and may take advantage of the diversity of measurement techniques available. In order to improve the completeness as well as the quality of deliverables, more and more digitization projects rely on the combination of data coming from different sensors. To this end, the knowledge of sensor performances along with the quality of the measurements they produce is recommended. These questions are addressed in the first part of the thesis. Then, different solutions can be investigated to deal with data heterogeneity within a same project, such as adapted registration and / or modeling steps, or data filtering. Since it takes place at the beginning of the processing chain, registration of multi-source datasets is discussed in this work. A global approach for the simultaneous registration of multiple point clouds is proposed. The introduction of individual weights for each dataset depending on their source is foreseen within the developed method. Moreover, robust estimators are introduced in the registration framework, in order to deal with potential outliers or measurement noise among the data.
The jury is composed of:
Keywords: digitization techniques, quality assessment, global registration, heterogeneous point clouds, weighting, robust estimation
The defense will be held on Monday, 17th June at 10:30 am in the amphitheater De Dietrich of INSA Strasbourg.
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