PhD defense: Vincent LÉAUTAUD
Title: Numerical modelling of wall condensation and evaporation in turbulent flow
Team: MécaFlu
Abstract: This work is part of the development of decontamination techniques by hydrogen peroxide condensation. These systems can be used for exemple in clean rooms or in the food industry. The aim of this work is to estimate condensation rates according to the studied regions of the volume and depending on any potential influence parameters.
We conducted experiments on a scale model that allows us to obtain condensation data by region and by varying flow parameters, as well as for two condensables, water and hydrogen peroxide. Then we developped a wall droplet condensation model taking into account the particularly transient nature of the phenomenon. Finally, we compared the results of the numerical simulations with the experimentations.
The jury is composed of Éric Goncalvès, Professor at ISAE-ENSMA, Marianna Braza, Director of Research at CNRS at IMFT, Jan Dusek, Professor at the University of Strasbourg and Nicolas Decorde of ARECO, Yannick Hoarau, Professor at the University of Strasbourg (supervisor) and Robert Mosé, Professor the University of Strasbourg (co-director).
The defense, in French, take place on Tuesday 18th December at 2:30pm in the Alain Beretz amphitheatre of the New Patio of the University of Strasbourg.
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