PhD defense: Elena BOURNEZ
Title : Study of vegetation purpose in urban microclimates creation. Combined approaches of measures and modellings at different scales
Team: TRIO
Abstract : The nocturnal urban heat island phenomenon causes thermal discomfort to residents. Improving the microclimate in urban areas is therefore one of the concerns of urban planners. The greening of cities (introduction of lawns, trees, green roofs, etc.) is a promising solution, as the evapotranspiration of plants and the shadows of trees have a significant impact on the thermal balance of the surrounding atmosphere. This process is an act that must be planned to optimize the benefits of vegetation. A key challenge today is thus the development of a microclimatic simulation model capable of reproducing the climatic conditions of a street, or even a vegetated urban neighborhood, with the aim of proposing a decision support tool for the development of sustainable cities. The aim of this thesis is to study how to take into account vegetation and especially trees, in a 3D microclimatic model to simulate the microclimate of a neighborhood. Two models, LASER/F and RATP were applied at the scale of a tree and an urban park to carry out this study.
The jury is comprised of Mr NAJJAR Georges, associate professor, University of Strasbourg (thesis supervisor), Mrs LEMONSU Aude, researcher, CNRM, Météo France, Toulouse (reviewer), Mr POLIDORI Laurent, senior researcher, CESBIO, UMR 5126, Toulouse (reviewer), Mr CLAPPIER Alain, professor, university of Strasbourg (examiner), Mr GRUSSENMEYER Pierre, professor, INSA Strasbourg (examiner), Mrs LANDES Tania, associate professor, INSA Strasbourg (Co-supervisor and examiner), Mr SAUDREAU Marc, researcher, UMR PIAF, INRA de Clermont-Ferrand (examiner), Mr THIERRY Améglio, senior researcher, UMR PIAF, INRA de Clermont-Ferrand (examiner) and Mr KASTENDEUCH Pierre, associate professor, university of Strasbourg (Co-supervisor and invited member).
The defense will be held on Monday, November 19th, at 9:00 am in the "Arts and Industries" amphitheater of the INSA Strasbourg.
Keywords: urban heat island, vegetation, tree, point cloud, 3D reconstruction, microclimatic model, evapotranspiration.
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