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Seminar : Mechanobiology of aortic aneurysms: novel approach using finite-element modeling and multimodality imaging

March 14, 2018
Illlirch - Pôle API - C218

Stéphane AVRIL (U1059 INSERM - SAINBIOSE), fera une présentation de ses travaux de recherche, mercredi 14 mars, à 14h00 en C218, à Télécom physique Strasbourg (Illkirch).

Title : Mechanobiology of aortic aneurysms: novel approach using finite-element modeling and multimodality imaging

Abstract : Histopathological changes that occur in diseased soft tissues manifest at the macroscopic level as altered mechanical functionality and structural integrity. Correlations between local tissue composition and mechanical properties can thus provide increased insight into conditions that render a soft tissue susceptible to failure or disease. Toward this end, we have used the virtual fields method to determine locally varying values of constitutive parameters from a set of full-field data acquired during tension-inflation tests of arteries using a combination of panoramic digital image correlation (p-DIC) and of optical coherence tomography - digital volume correlation (OCT-DVC). The approach has permitted to reveal for the first time the local material heterogeneities of aortic aneurysms and to relate them to the biological dysfunctions that render blood vessels susceptible to potential rupture.

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