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PhD defense : Bulk heterojunction solar cells based on solution-processed triazatruxene derivatives

November 30, 2017
Campus de Cronenbourg - Institut Charles Sadron - amphi Henri Benoît

PhD defense : Tianyan HAN

Team : MaCEPV

Title : Bulk heterojunction solar cells based on solution-processed triazatruxene derivatives

The jury is composed of Mr Thomas Heiser, Professor and Thesis supervisor (university of Strasbourg), Mrs Sabine Ludwigs, Reviewer (university of Stuttgart), Mr Kamal Lmimouni, Reviewer, (university of Lille 1), Mr Gilles Ulrich, Examiner (university of Strasbourg) and an invited person Dimitri Ivanov (university of Haute-Alsace).

The presentation will be held in English on Thursday, 30th November at 14h00 in the amphitheater Henri Benoît at Institut Charles Sadron (campus Cronenbourg).

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