PhD defense : Pierre MASAI
Team : CSTB
Title : Modeling the lean organization as a complex system
Abstract : In this thesis, after explaining the history and main concepts of lean in various contexts, the world of complex systems is explored, then it is shown why the lean organization is itself a Complex System. A novel model of lean is proposed as an ontology, the Lean Organization Framework (LOF), which can be applied to all forms of organizations. The LOF is tested with those already explored (Lean Manufacturing, Lean IT, Lean Healthcare, Lean Government, Lean NGO, Lean Start-Up, Lean Education) and proposes ways to enhance them. It can also be applied to new fields with the help of subject matter experts, an approach that we check with the novel cases of a lean foundation and Lean Enterprise Architecture (Lean EA), but also with the comparison of the lean organization with the immune system, a well-known Complex System example. Then, a model of lean process presenting the emergent properties of a Complex System is proposed: the hoshin kanri, or management of the organization objectives, including in its cultural dimension. The results of its practical implementation with the eHoshin application are discussed and a first open source prototype already used by around one hundred organizations in the world is explained. A second, more robust implementation in the industry is presented (at Toyota, extended to several departments and legal entities). Finally, the theoretical model is improved based on the experimentation results. In the appendices, the lean concepts are explained together with their application to six domains of knowledge and the simulation programs are listed.
This thesis was supervised by Pierre Collet and cosupervised by Pierre Parrend of the ICube lab in Strasbourg.
The jury is composed of Mr. Daniel T. Jones, Professor, Lean Enterprise Academy, (rewiever), Mr. Roger Waldeck, Maître de Conférences HDR, Institut Mines Télécom Atlantique, (rewiever), Mr. Paul Bourgine, Dr HDR, Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, Mrs Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Professeur, INSA Rouen-Normandie, Mrs Véronique Thomas-Vaslin, Chercheur au CNRS, UPMC/INSERM, Paris, Mr Dominique Pastor, Professeur, Institut Mines Telecom Atlantique, (invited member).
The defense, in English language, will be held on Friday 29th september 2017 at 10.00am in room Alain Beretz (thesis room) of the Nouveau Patio, rue René Descartes 20a, in Strasbourg.
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