PhD defense : Jean-Philippe DILLENSEGER
Team : MMB
Title : Preclinical multimodal small animal imaging: qualification of instruments and methods (MRI, μCT and μSPECT)
Abstract : Preclinical imaging is mostly performed on mouse animal models (61%). It is a necessary step in preclinical research, in compliance the first two recommendations of the 3Rs rules (reduction, refinement and replacement). In order to give a biological significance to measurements extracted from in vivo-acquired mouse images, it is necessary to evaluate instruments performances but also experimental procedures involved. The qualification of apparatuses requires the use of specific phantoms while the evaluation of methods requires procedures tests on non-pathological animals before experimentations. The scope of this work was to develop tools and methods to qualify imaging instruments and in vivo procedures. The need for quantification in small animal imaging, leads us to consider preclinical imaging instruments as metrological tools; which means integrating measurement uncertainty into given results.
This thesis was supervised by M. REMOND Yves, Professor (University of Strasbourg) et co-supervised by M. CHOQUET Philippe, "Maître de conférences" (University of Strasbourg).
The jury was composed by : 2 reviewers : Mme. COTTEN Anne, Professor (University of Lille) and M. HYACINTHE Jean-Noël, Professor (Haute école de Santé de Genève); 2 examinators : Mme. MUSSET Anne-Marie, Professor (University of Strasbourg) and M. DARRASSE Luc, senior researcher (University of Paris 11); and 2 invited members : M. CONSTANTINESCO André, Professor (University of Strasbourg) and M. DIETEMANN Jean-Louis, Professor (University of Strasbourg).
The PhD defense (in french) will be held on 26th september 2017 at 2.30pm in the "Ruch" amphitheater of dental surgery faculty (Strasbourg).
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