PhD defense : Jean-Baptiste COURBOT
Team : MIV
Title : Traitement statistique d'images hyperspectrales pour la détection d’objets diffus : application aux données astronomiques du spectro-imageur MUSE
Abstract : We study the detection and segmentation problems in extremely noised images. The main application of these works is the detection of large-scale structures in MUSE astronomical hyperspectral images, namely haloes (localized and homogenous in images) and filaments (anisotropic large-scale structures). First, we study the hypothesis-testing detection in hyperspectral images, based on spatial and spectral shape constraints as well as similarity constraints. Then, we introduce a pairwise Markov field model which allows the formulation of the detection problem as a special case of the segmentation problem, while introducing a Markovian prior on the result. Next, in order to model oriented structures in images, we propose a triplet Markov field model allowing the joint segmentation of orientations and classes in images. Finally, we study the modelling of large-scale structures in images by introducing a triplet Markov tree model handling inter-resolution dependancy jointly with homogeneity within resolutions. The two latter models were introduced in the general framework of image segmentation. Each model was validated with respect to its alternatives, then all models were compared on synthetic data in the context of detection within astronomical hyperspectral images. Finally, this document presents the analysis of the results on real MUSE images.
This thesis was supervised by Christophe Collet, Professor at the university of Strasbourg and co-diriged by Roland Bacon, senir researcher at the CRAL in Lyon.
The jury was composed by Jean-Yves Tourneret, professor at the INP of Toulouse, Wojciech Pieczynski, professor at the IMT Télécom SudParis, Olivier Michel, professor at the university Grenoble Alpes, Éric Thiébaut, assistant astronomer at the CRAL in Lyon, Vincent Mazet, associate professor at the university of Strasbourg and Emmanuel Monfrini, associate professor at the IMT Telecom SudParis.
This PhD defense will be held on Friday 13th october 2017 at 10.30am in the room A207 of the API building in Illkirch.
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