Anke MEYER-BAESE, professor at the Florida State university, will give a talk wednesday 12th July 2017 at 2.00pm in room C218 of the Pole API building in Illkirch.
Title : Dynamical Graph Theory Methods Applied to Brain Networks
Abstract : Neuroimaging in combination with graph theory has been successful in analyzing the functional connectome. However almost all analysis are performed based on static graph theory. The derived quantitative graph measures can only describe a snap shot of the disease over time. Neurodegenerative disease evolution is poorly understood and treatment strategies are consequently only limited efficient. Fusing modern dynamic graph network theory and modeling strategies at different time scales with pinning control of complex brain networks lays the foundation for a transformational paradigm in neurodegnerative diseases research regarding disease evolution at the patient level, treatment response evaluation and revealing some central mechanism in a network that drives alterations in these diseases. We model and analyze brain networks as two-time scale sparse dynamic graph networks with hubs (clusters) representing the fast sub-system and the interconnections between hubs the slow sub-system. Alterations in brain function as seen in dementia can be dynamically modeled by determining the clusters in which disturbance inputs have entered and the impact they have on the large-scale dementia dynamic system. Controlling regions in dementia networks represent key nodes to control the dynamics of the network. How to control this complex network seems to be crucial in understanding the progressive abnormal neural circuits in many neurodegenerative diseases. Detecting the controlling regions in these networks, which serve as key nodes to control the aberrant dynamics of the networks to a desired state and thus influence the progressive abnormal behavior, will have a huge impact in understanding and developing therapeutic solutions and also will provide useful information about the trajectory of the disease.
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