Leo JOSKOWICZ, director of the Computer Aided Surgery and Medical Image Processing Laboratory (CASMIP) in Israel, will give a talk Thursday, 23th march 2017 at 2.00pm in the room 209 of the Faculty of Medicine in Strasbourg (Forum : 4, rue Kirschleger).
Title : How is your tumor doing today? Computer-based tumors analysis and follow-up in radiological oncology
Abstract : Radiological follow-up of tumors is the cornerstone of modern oncology. About 25% of the 60 million worldwide yearly CT studies are related to oncology, with a higher proportion for brain MRI studies. Currently, radiologists perform the initial diagnosis and subsequent tumor follow-up manually. This evaluation is tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone, as it varies among radiologists and can be can off by up to 50%. These drawbacks hamper the clinical decision-making process and may lead to sub-optimal or inadequate treatment.
In this talk, we will present a new framework for robust, accurate, and automatic or nearly automatic delineation and follow-up of solid tumors in longitudinal multispectral CT and MRI datasets. We will describe new image processing algorithms for brain, lungs, and liver solid tumors and for Plexiform Neurofibromas progression evaluation. We will present the results of our experimental studies and the clinical experience with the software prototype at the Sourasky Medical Center Tel-Aviv.
Joint work with:
L. Weizman, R. Vivanti, D. Helfer, Dr Y. Shoshan, Hebrew U.
Drs. D. Ben Bashat, L. Pratt, L. Ben Sira, B. Shofty and Prof. S. Constantini, Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov), Tel-Aviv.
Bio : Leo Joskowicz is a Professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. He is the founder and director of the Computer-Aided Surgery and Medical Image Processing Laboratory (CASMIP Lab). Prof. Joskowicz is a Fellow of the IEEE and ASME and is the recipient of the 2010 Maurice E. Muller Award for Excellence in Computer Assisted Surgery by the International Society of Computer Aided Orthopaedic Surgery and the 2007 Kaye Innovation Award. He has published over 250 technical works including conference and journal papers, book chapters, and editorials. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the MICCAI Society (Medical Image Processing and Computer Aided Intervention) and has served on numerous related program committees. He is on the Editorial Boards of six journals, including Medical Image Analysis, Int. J. of Computer Aided Surgery, Computer Aided Surgery, and Nature Scientific Reports.
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