PhD defense : Arnaud BRUYAS
Team : AVR
Title : Multi-material additive manufacturing for the design of new robotic systems
Abstract : Percutaneous interventional radiology remains nowadays a complex medical procedure for radiologist, because of the limited access to the patient and the existence of ionizing radiations under X-ray scanner. Therefore, the use of a robotic device that remotely controls the needle during the procedure is of high interest. To address the compactness and compatibility restrictions inherent to the context, we propose in this work to take advantage of multi-material additive manufacturing in order to design compact and efficient robotic devices. First the process is characterize, to propose an adapted design method. Then, several design solutions are presented, that achieve the main functions of a robotic system, namely the kinematic of the mechanism, the sensing and the actuation. Finally, three innovative devices are introduced, validating the use of multi-material additive manufacturing in this particular context, and in general for robotics.
This thesis was supervised by Pierre Renaud (University of Strasbourg).
The presentation will take place on Monday 30th November 2015 at 10.15am in the room De Vinci at the INSA building in Strasbourg. This thesis will be supported in french.
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