PhD defense : Vasyl MYKHALCHUK
Team : IGG
Title : Feature-based matching of animated meshes
Abstract : We propose a novel, efficient deforming shape analysis and correspondence framework for animated meshes based on their dynamic and motion properties. We elaborate our method by exploiting a profitable set of motion data exhibited by deforming meshes with time-varying embedding. Our approach is based on an observation that a dynamic, deforming shape of a given subject contains much more information rather than a single static posture of it. That is different from the existing methods that rely on static shape information for shape correspondence and analysis. Our framework of deforming shape analysis and correspondence of animated meshes is comprised of several major contributions: a new dynamic feature detection technique based on multi-scale animated mesh’s deformation characteristics, novel dynamic feature descriptor, and an adaptation of a robust graph-based feature correspondence approach followed by the fine matching of the animated meshes.We further use dynamic feature correspondences on the source and target to guide an iterative fine matching of animated meshes in spherical parameterization. We demonstrate advantages of our methods on different animated meshes of varying subjects, movements, complexities and details.
The jury is comprised of Edmond Boyer (INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes), de Frederic Cordier (University of Haute-Alsace), d'Hervé Delingette (INRIA Sophia Antipolis), de Florent Dupont (University Claude Bernard Lyon1), d'Adrian Hilton (University of Surrey), de Christian Heinrich et de Hyewon Seo (University of Strasbourg).
The PhD défense will take place on Thursday 9th april 2015 at 2.00pm in room A301 of the Pole API building in Illkirch. The presentation will be in English.
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