Tahiry Razafindralambo fera un exposé de ses travaux de recherche le jeudi 26 Mars 2015 de 14h00 à 16h00 dans la salle C427 au Pôle API d'Illkirch.
Équipe : Réseaux
Titre : Controlled Mobility in Wireless Networks
Résumé : Mobility is the character or property of an object that has the capacity or the ability to move or be moved. It characterizes all things that can rapidly change shape, appearance or is unstable, variable or fluctuate in time and space. The introduction of mobility in networks is a milestone in the description and implementation of communication systems that must take into account the mobility of one or more entities that comprise this system.
In the early 2000, the research shows that mobility is not all a drawback by pointing out that mobility can increase the capacity, security and covered areas. These results raise two important points: (i) The
contribution of mobility described in these articles are considered at application-level if we refer to the OSI model and (ii) mobility is undergone by the users or network entities.
The two points raised above will be addressed from different point of view. Regarding the first point the results I show here consider two aspects. The first issue focuses on the benefits of mobility at the application level and more specifically for coverage in wireless sensor networks. The second aspect considers the use of mobility as a network primitive and uses it to increase the performance of the protocol stack.
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