PhD thesis: Peter LIENERTH
Team: MaCEPV
Title: Elaboration and characterization of field-effect transistors based on organic molecular wires for chemical sensing applications
Abstract: Due to the weak van der Waals bonding between neighboring molecules charge transport in organic semiconductors is very sensitive to ambient gases. Polar analytes have been reported to decrease the mobility in organic field effect transistors (OFETs) allowing reliable and reproducible detection of known compounds. We found that the additional utilization of the hysteresis of the transfer characteristics creates individual response-patterns, improving the identification of different polar analytes. Measurements of the transient drain current were employed to gain insights into the underlying mechanisms of the hysteresis change.
To improve the understanding of the side-chain influences on the gas sensing performances polymers with different side chains were used as active material in OFETs for ethanol sensing. The differences in sensitivity were correlated to the results derived from various experimental techniques and allowed to draw consistent conclusions on the origin of the behavior.
This thesis was directed by Thomas Heiser, professor at the University of Strasbourg.
The presentation will take place on Friday January 31st at 2.00pm in the amphitheater Grünewald in building 25 on the campus Cronenbourg.
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