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Thesis : Context-Aware Radiation Protection for the Hybrid Operating Room

February 19, 2018
Strasbourg - IRCAD - amphi Lindbergh

PhD defense : Nicolas LOY RODAS

Team : AVR

Title : Context-Aware Radiation Protection for the Hybrid Operating Room

Abstract : The use of X-ray based imaging technologies during minimally-invasive procedures exposes both patients and medical staff to ionizing radiation. Even if the dose absorbed during a single procedure can be low, long-term exposure can lead to noxious effects (e.g. cancer). In this thesis, we therefore propose methods to improve the overall radiation safety in the hybrid operating room by acting in two complementary directions. First, we propose approaches to make clinicians more aware of exposure by providing in-situ visual feedback of the ongoing radiation dose by means of augmented reality. Second, we propose to act on the X-ray device positioning with an optimization approach for recommending an angulation reducing the dose deposited to both patient and clinical staff, while maintaining the clinical quality of the outcome image. Both applications rely on approaches proposed to perceive the room using RGBD cameras and to simulate in real-time the propagation of radiation and the deposited dose. We hope that this thesis can contribute to the overall reduction of radiation exposure and to make the benefits of image-guided procedures available to a wider population.

Key-words : Medical Robotics, X-ray Guided Procedures, Radiation Safety, Augmented Reality, Monte Carlo Simulations, Computer-Assisted Interventions.

The committee is composed of Pr. Dr. Nassir Navab, examiner (Technische Universität München), Pr. Dr. Philippe Cattin, reviewer (University of Basel), Pr. Dr. Pascal Fallavollita, reviewer (University of Ottawa), Dr. Julien Bert, examiner (CHRU Brest, LaTIM-INSERM), Pr. Dr. Michel de Mathelin, thesis supervisor (University of Strasbourg) and Dr. Nicolas Padoy, co-supervisor (University of Strasbourg).

The defense will be held in English and will take place on Monday February 19th, 2018, at 1:30 pm in the Lindbergh amphitheater at IRCAD Strasbourg.

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