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Seminar: Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Properties of Carbon Nanotube - Based Nanocomposite with Low Content of Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles

April 2, 2014
Campus CNRS de Cronenbourg - Salle 40 du bâtiment 40

Serghej .L. Prischepa, professor in the Telecommunication Department of the Belarusian State University of Informatics and RadioElectronics, will present his research wednesday April 2th at 11.00am in the room 40 of the building 40  at the CNRS of Cronenbourg (23 rue du Loess 67200 Strasbourg).

Team : MaCEPV

Title : Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Properties of Carbon Nanotube - Based Nanocomposite with Low Content of Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles

Abstract : We investigated the magnetic hysteresis loops of CNT-based nanocomposite with very low concentration of catalytic ferromagnetic nanoparticles. Measurements were performed in a wide temperature range, from 2K up to 350K. Experimental data were analyzed within the random anisotropy model (RAM), which gives us the possibility to evaluate the micromagnetic parameters of the system. The law of the approach to saturation (LAS) revealed that, for correct description of the data the correlation function of the magnetic anisotropy axes should be taken into account. At that the obtained correlation functions depend on temperature revealing the influence of the carbon medium on the interparticle interaction. In particular, it was shown that the magnetic coherent anisotropy dominates for the low concentration of nanoparticles at low temperatures. While increasing both the nanoparticle concentration and the temperature the exchange interparticle interaction dominates diminishing essentially the coherent processes. The influence of the concentration becomes determining starting from some threshold values which leads to the dominant role of the exchange coupling in the whole temperature range.

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