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Seminar : Detecting Neurons, Blood Vessels, and Cells with Machine Learning

June 29, 2015
Strasbourg - IRCAD - amphi I

Vincent LEPETIT, professeur at the Graz University of Technology will present his research monday 29th June 2015 at 3.00pm in the room I of the IRCAD.

Title : Detecting Neurons, Blood Vessels, and Cells with Machine Learning

Team : AVR

Abstract : I will present Machine Learning techniques that can learn to detect linear structures such as neurons and blood vessels in different imaging modalities. I will then show that similar ideas can be applied to the detection of cells.

Bio : Dr. Vincent Lepetit is a Professor at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, TU Graz and a Visiting Professor at the Computer Vision Laboratory, EPFL. He received the PhD degree in Computer Vision in 2001 from the University of Nancy, France, after working in the ISA INRIA team. He then joined the Virtual Reality Lab at EPFL as a post-doctoral fellow and became a founding member of the Computer Vision Laboratory. He became a Professor at TU GRAZ in February 2014. His research interests include vision-based Augmented Reality, 3D camera tracking, Machine Learning, object recognition, and 3D reconstruction. He often serves as program committee member and area chair of major vision conferences (CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ACCV, BMVC). He is an editor for the International Journal of Computer Vision(IJCV) and the Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU) journal.

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