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Past events

Thesis: Probabilistic models for image processing: applications in vascular surgery

December 15, 2020
Via videoconference

PhD defense: Hugo GANGLOFF Title: Probabilistic models for image processing: applications in vascular surgery Team: IMAGeS Abstract: The work presented in this thesis deals with medical image...[more]

Thesis: Circular codes in the evolution of the genetic code

December 11, 2020
Via videoconference

PhD defense: Martin STARMAN Title: Circular codes in the evolution of the genetic code Team: CSTB Abstract: The problem that this work addresses is how to retrieve, maintain and synchronize the...[more]

Thèse : Planification Efficace d'Itinéraires pour Réseaux de Transports Dynamiques et Multimodaux

December 11, 2020
Via videoconference

Soutenance de thèse : Amine FALEK Titre : Planification Efficace d'Itinéraires pour Réseaux de Transports Dynamiques et Multimodaux Équipe : Réseaux Résumé : Le calcul d'itinéraire dynamique...[more]

AI seminar: Research and Development of Medical Imaging Applications in Radiology

December 10, 2020

Alexandros KARARGYRIS, PhD, will give a webinar, Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 4pm. Title: Research and Development of Medical Imaging Applications in Radiology Abstract: Recent developments in...[more]

Séminaire ICube-MSII: Modélisation et simulation de la cavitation hydrodynamique

December 3, 2020
Illkirch - Pôle API - A207

Eric GONCALVES fera une présentation de ses travaux de recherche le jeudi 3 décembre 2020 à 15h30 dans l'amphithéâtre A207 du Pôle API à Illkirch. Titre : Modélisation et simulation de la cavitation...[more]

Thesis: Deep learning meets real-time numerical simulation - Applications to surgical training, preoperative planning and surgical guidance

December 3, 2020

PhD defense: Andrea MENDIZABAL Title: Deep learning meets real-time numerical simulation - Applications to surgical training, preoperative planning and surgical guidance Team: IGG Abstract: Many...[more]

Programme du lancement de la chaire AIARD

November 26, 2020
En ligne

L'INSA Strasbourg a le soutien de cinq mécènes industriels, Faurecia, Arcelor Mittal, Punch Powerglide, Socomec et Sartorius pour lancer sa chaire AIARD Artificial Intelligence Augmented R&D....[more]

ICube-MSII webinar: A/D Drugs- How to convert analog to digital drugs

November 26, 2020
Illkirch - Pôle API - amphi A301

Axel HUTT, senior researcher in the ICube laboratory, will give a talk, Thursday, November 26th, 2020 at 1:30pm in the amphitheater A301 of the Pole API building in Illkirch. Title: A/D Drugs- How...[more]

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