Pierre-Louis BAZIN fera une présentation de ses travaux de recherche le mardi 18 mars 2014 à 14h00 en salle A207 au Pôle API d’Illkirch.
Title : In-vivo analysis of brain anatomy at 7 Tesla
Abstract : 7 Tesla MRI offers the opportunity for the field of neuroscience to interrogate the human brain at an increased level of detail, blurring the boundary between macro- and micro-anatomy. The enhanced resolution of 7T comes with a steep increase in data size, and demands higher accuracy in order to fully investigate intra-cortical contrasts and smaller sub-cortical nuclei.
I will present here the latest results from the computational framework our team has developed in order to meet these new challenges, from atlases of fine sub-cortical structures to high resolution maps of individual cortices ready for the analysis of structure and function down to the level of cortical layers.
Bio : Pierre-Louis Bazin received an Electrical Engineering Diploma from SUPELEC, Orsay, France in 1998, a D.E.A. from Paris XI University in 1998, and a Ph.D. from Paris XI University and INRIA Rocquencourt, France in 2001. He received post-doctoral training at Brown University, USA, from 2001 to 2003 and at Johns Hopkins University, USA, from 2003 to 2006. He is the recipient of a NIH Career Development Award and a Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant. He has worked as member and director of the Laboratory of Medical Image Computing and as an Instructor in the Department of Radiology and Radiological Science at Johns Hopkins University before joining the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, Germany.
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