PhD defense: Ioana-Madalina MANOLE BARBU
Title: Study and optimisation of hybrid photovoltaic thermal collectors and integration in small-scale prosumer energy systems
Team: GCE
Abstract: A hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collector is a module in which the photovoltaic (PV) layer is not only producing electricity but also serves as a thermal absorber. As a result, power and heat are produced simultaneously. This doctoral thesis is an in-dept, multi-dimensional study of the novel PVT collectors. The overall aim is to gain a deep understanding and to perform a thorough and systematic analysis of PVT micro-cogeneration collectors and systems in order to improve their efficiency and evaluate the best possibilities for integrating them into the energy mix of small consumers (prosumers). Various methods of predicting the efficiency and performance of PVT systems given realistic meteorological data and functioning parameters are presented and their reliability is evaluated. Overall, small scale PVT technology appears to be a promising solution for maxi- mum solar energy conversion, with some significant benefits over the standard PV and thermal collectors, especially in the residential and urban sectors. Additional demonstrative projects, consumer awareness, standardisation and proof of concept are re- quired to push this technology further on the mainstream market
The defense will take place, in english, on Thursday 23 September 2021 at 13:00 in room EH017 University Politehnica Bucarest, but also on the platform Teams.
Keywords: PVT ; micro-cogeneration ; renewable energy ; solar energy ; prosummers.
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