Florence BERTAILS-DESCOUBES, senior researcher at INRIA in Grenoble, will give a webinar, Thursday, November 19th, 2020 at 1:30pm.
Title: Predictive simulation for films, fashion, and physics
Abstract: In the last decades, physics-based simulation in Computer Graphics has become instrumental in capturing fascinating mechanical phenomena such as cloth folding, ribbon coiling, plant growth, granular flowing, or hair entangling. Complex simulations not only enrich the visual appearance of animations in feature films, but also give the hope in the near future to quickly prototype challenging systems involving post-buckling or collective behaviors, such as virtual garment and hairstyle try-on systems. In soft matter physics, simulation is also on its ways to becoming a fundamental tool for improving our understanding of physical phenomena unexplored so far, and for designing new materials with controlled properties.In this talk I will show that although building a simulator that is both predictive and scalable remains an open challenge, advances towards this goal can be made possible thanks to a pluridisciplinary modeling approach combining skills across Mechanics and Physics, Applied Mathematics, and Computer Science. I will illustrate my talk with recent results on the direct and inverse modeling of rods, cloth and ribbons, as well as on on the prediction of granular flows.
Bio: Florence Bertails-Descoubes is working as a senior researcher ('Directrice de Recherche') at INRIA in Grenoble, France. She has founded and is heading the Elan team which is focussed on the numerical modeling of complex mechanical phenomena. In 2014 she has been awarded a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (GEM, 2015 - 2021), to work on the inverse design of slender elastic structures subject to contact and friction. Between 2007 and 2017, she was member of the BiPop research group, specialized in the modeling and simulation of nonsmooth dynamic phenomena. Her Ph.D. thesis completed at Grenoble INP was awarded the 2006 SPECIF Prize, for her work on hair simulation under the supervision of Marie-Paule Cani (Grenoble INP) and Basile Audoly (CNRS).
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