Thesis defense: Juan David ARCE VELASQUEZ
Title: Modeling urine stabilization by nitrification in a membrane bioreactor
Team: MécaFlu
Abstract: In this thesis, the conceptualization of an integrated physico-biological model, as well as an experimental analysis of a biological system treating yellow wastewater are presented. The system is a membrane bioreactor designed to treat source separated urine. The main objective is to treat the nitrogen load in the urine by biological nitrification and produce a stable effluent. This thesis develops and validates an integrated model that will represent the bioreactor's behavior on a real scale. This model will simulate different operating conditions, as well as the integration of physico-chemical and biological processes, by understanding the different assimilation/inhibition mechanisms influencing nitrifying bacteria. The calibration and validation of the model requires a laboratory pilot to acclimatize conventional activated sludge to high nitrogen loads. A pH control driven strategy was developed for the acclimation phase, allowed the system to be started and controlled automatically. This acclimation protocol was optimized to use highly concentrated urine. The model parameters were calibrated by respirometric measurements under these high nitrogen conditions.
The jury is composed by Dr. Julien Laurent (Thesis Director), Prof. Kai Udert (Rapporteur), Prof. Marc Heran (Rapporteur), Dr. Jean-Marc Choubert (Examiner) and Dr. Fabien Esculier (Examiner).
Keywords: Urine, source separation, yellow wastewater treatment, nitrification, nitrifying bacteria, activated sludge, acclimation, inhibition, modelling, integrated models, respirometry, process control.
The defense will be held in English, on Thursday 24 September at 10:30 am at the "Ecole Nationale de Génie de l'eau et de l'Environnement de Strasbourg" - ENGEES (1 Quai de Koch). Auditorium 306.
The number of places in the hall being limited, taking into account the respect of rules related to the sanitary situation, I kindly ask you to inform directly Juan David by e-mail if you wish to attend the defense. For those who prefer to attend the videoconference, you will be able to access it with the following link.
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