PhD defense: Chinmay SAMANT
Title: Ultrasound Laparoscopic Guidance for Minimally Invasive Surgery, Biopsy, and Ablation Procedures
Team: AVR
Abstract: Minimally invasive image-guided laparoscopic surgery allows shorter hospital stays for the patient reducing post-operative trauma and faster healing time. With the recent advances in imaging techniques, surgeons can efficiently and confidently plan a surgery by using different image modalities such as CT/MRI scans, ultrasound images etc. Real-time image fusion techniques can overlay the images from different modalities together to provide a comprehensive view to the surgeon. An important aspect of real-time fusion is that the laparoscopic instrument is tracked in real-time using sensors. In this thesis, we present a detailed analysis of such tracking technologies while providing a novel sensor setup for ultrasound laparoscope image tracking. We present a kinematic chain for the sensor setup and provide a solution for noise reduction in the sensor data using rotation averaging technique. Hand-Eye calibration is also a fundamental part of hybrid tracking systems. We present a detailed review of this technique. We also present a deterministic, robust and accurate method for solving Hand-Eye calibration problem even for large amounts of outliers and high levels of measurement noise. The proposed method is based on a reformulation of a rank-constrained semi-definite programming problem allowing for robustness to be enforced via an iteratively re-weighted optimization approach.
The jury is composed of:
Keywords: Hand-Eye Calibration, Robotics, Hybrid-Tracking, Laparoscopes.
The defense will be held in English on Monday, 16th December at 9:00 am in the Conference room (Main Floor) of IHU (1 Place de l'Hôpital, 67000 Strasbourg).
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