The next seminar of our Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute (ITI) IRMIA++ will be held this Thursday May 19 at 9am, both in the IRMA conference room and on BBB.
The talk will be given by: Jonathan Sarton (ICube)
Title: High performance visualization for large scale volume data
BBB link:
Abstract: Numerical simulations inevitably requires the use of modern visualization methods at different stages to analyze datasets, extract information from them, to guide phenomenon modeling, to validate or invalidate models or as a tool for evaluating experimental results. The access to increasingly powerful computing machines enables scientists to simulate ever larger and more complex phenomena. Large-scale simulations generally output time-varying multivariate volumetric data, modeled by volume meshes of increasingly complex size, topology, geometry, composition, ... Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a well known method for visualizing volume data and its implementation on graphics processors (GPU), based on volume ray-casting algorithm, offers good rendering quality combined to good performance. However, such an implementation on simulated data presenting above-mentioned characteristics is a difficult problem that remains open. A key challenge of research is to make visualization techniques follow up with this drastically increasing complexity. After an introduction to volume rendering on GPU and its adaptation to large datasets, I will address the challenges of in-situ visualization of large and complex unstructured meshes from numerical simulation through the presentation of the ANR LUM-Vis project.
About the speaker: Jonathan Sarton is an associate professor at the University of Strasbourg in the computer science department, and the ICube Laboratory in the Computer Graphics and Geometry team (IGG). His research focuses on high performance scientific visualization, volume rendering on GPU, parallel rendering, and in-situ visualization in HPC environment. He is the scientific leader of the LUM-Vis ANR project.
Next seminar: Thursday June 23 9am at Strasbourg Observatory: Hubert Baty (ObAS)
Alex Oancea (IRMA), Nicolas Magaud (ICube) & Benoit Famaey (ObAS)
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