Sonia PUJOL, director of Training of the 3D Slicer platform and a brain imaging scientist at the Surgical Planning Laboratory at Harvard Medical School, will give a talk in english on Tuesday 24th october 2017 at 2.00pm in the room 3 of the Faculty of Dental Surgery in Strasbourg.
Title : 3D Slicer: a community-based platform for medical imaging research
Abstract : 3D Slicer is an open-source software platform for medical image analysis and computer-assisted intervention. The application provides clinical researchers with 350 modules and extensions for image segmentation, image registration, and quantitative imaging as well as tool tracking and real-time data fusion for image-guided therapy. 3D Slicer started as a Master's thesis project between the Surgical Planning Laboratory (SPL) at Harvard Medical School and the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT. In 2017, 3D Slicer has become a community-based platform funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and used in clinical research worldwide. This talk will provide an overview of the main functionalities of the software, introduce clinical research applications using the platform and present examples of 3D Slicer training and dissemination activities.
Bio : Sonia Pujol, Ph.D. is the Director of Training of the 3D Slicer platform, and a brain imaging scientist at the Surgical Planning Laboratory at Harvard Medical School since 2004. Her research interest is on mapping the human brain white matter for neurosurgical intervention. She leads the DTI Challenge Working Group on the evaluation of diffusion MRI tractography for neurosurgery. Dr. Pujol is actively involved in training and education. Her teaching activities are focused on transferring to clinicians and scientists the latest developments in medical imaging research and artificial intelligence. Dr. Pujol is the Director of Outreach of the U.S. Neuroimage Analysis Center, and a member of the Academy of Harvard Medical School.
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