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Thèse Flavien Denis : MécaFlu

Le 20 juin 2022
À 14h00

Flavien DENIS (MécaFlu) vous annonce que sa soutenance de thèse intitulée "Study of the ablation by melting in hypersonic flow" aura lieu le lundi 20 juin à 14h au 4 rue Boussingault.

Le jury sera composé de :

  • Olivier CHAZOT, rapporteur, van Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics;
  • Christian MUNDT, rapporteur, Universität der Bundeswehr München;
  • Eric GONCALVES, examinateur, ISAE-ENSMA Institut Pprime;
  • Friedrich LEOPOLD, examinateur, Institut franco-allemand de Recherche de Saint-Louis;
  • Jean-Denis PARISSE, examinateur, Centre de Recherche de l’Ecole de l’Air;
  • Robert HRUSCHKA, examinateur, Institut franco-allemand de Recherche de Saint-Louis;
  • Yannick HOARAU, Directeur de thèse, Université de Strasbourg;
  • Robert MOSE, Co-Directeur de thèse, Université de Strasbourg;

Résumé : 

The last decade has seen the development of new applications in the field of hypersonic flight. Thus, the flight domain extension of hypersonic vehicles requires new studies on aerothermal heating and on the thermal ablation.

The present study focuses on the determination of wall heat flux and ablation profiles for metallic materials in dense hypersonic flow. The heat flux and ablation profiles are measured in a shock tunnel. An experimental protocol, combining low melting point ablative metal and optical visualisation, allows the ablation measurement with a hypersonic impulse facility within the milliseconds. The experimental study highlights a characteristic profile for the ablation by melting in turbulent flow.

The numerical study presents and validates the ablationFOAM solver dedicated to the prediction of the aero-thermal heating and of the ablation by melting in hypersonic flow. The contribution of the development of the turbulent boundary layer is described. The use of several turbulence models is also discussed.

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