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Séminaire sur les vésicules synthétiques et leur environnement

Le 27 octobre 2016
À 11h00
Strasbourg - Pôle API - A207

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Winfried Römer, de Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Institute of Biology II and BIOSS, fera une présentation de ses travaux de recherche le jeudi 27 octobre 2016 à 11h00 dans l'amphithéâtre A207 du pôle API à Illkirch.

Titre : Engineering meets Biology

Résumé : My research group aims at understanding the dynamic assembly and disassembly of plasma membrane nano-territories in the context of bacterial invasion.  Here, bacterial lectins form transiently functional receptor complexes that are the origin of different signalling pathways, intracellular transport and cell fates. Moreover, for a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms, we rebuild cellular processes on plasma membrane sheets and synthetic membrane systems (such as giant unilamellar vesicles) that are controllable and less complex.

It is in general highly challenging to visualize membrane domains and the interaction of molecules in the nano-meter scale. Amongst others, we perform super resolution microscopy techniques (fluorescence and atomic force microscopy) to characterize these signalling domains with high spatial and temporal resolution. Another challenging approach is combining these two imaging techniques simultaneously on the same sample on a porous microfluidic biochip.

The aim of my talk is definitely not to bombard you with details on signalling processes, rather to exchange ideas from different research fields and to identify potential joint future projects.

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