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ICube-MSII webinar: Biocompatible graphene-based biosensors for monitoring wearables and field connected diagnostics

Le 24 novembre 2020
À 10h00

Vincent BOUCHIAT (CEO of Grapheal) will give a talk, Thursday, November 5th, 2020 in the amphitheater A207 of the Pole API building in Illkirch.

Title: Biocompatible graphene-based  biosensors for monitoring wearables and field connected diagnostics

Abstract: I will present the research activities of Grapheal for the production of graphene biosensors for detection of analytes in body fluids and the relevant applications of those devices together with the challenges for market access.

Bio: Vincent Bouchiat is a research director at Neel Institute,  CNRS Grenoble,  with expertise in condensed matter physics , material science and bioelectronics. He is on leave from CNRS to develop Grapheal, a spin off that is exploiting the local know how in graphene for translational research in Medical devices. 

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